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Tag Archives: observations about psychology
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #51
For the most part, people do what they want to do, and don’t do what they don’t want to do.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #50
Drama teacher extraordinaire Gertrude Slack used to tell us not to worry if we blew our lines because nobody in the audience really knows the script.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #49
It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s when you “know” something that actually isn’t true.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #48
Any way of seeing is also a way of not seeing.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #46
Summed up in an African proverb that says: He who steps in cow dung does not die. I love this proverb! Embarrassment is temporary. 🙂
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #43
Sometimes, an ounce of inaccuracy can save a pound of explanation.
Life lessons #38
Just as life springs up even in the harshest environments, humans create art–it’s a basic need almost as strong as life itself. Art gives hope, insight, and connection where there is no rational reason for these to exist.
Posted in Lessons I've Learned the Hard Way
Tagged art, observations about psychology
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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #37
Buy low, sell high. This basic investment advice sounds so obvious. But using different words, it’s easy to see how it goes against human psychology: Buy when nobody wants it (so it’s cheap); sell when everybody wants it (so it’s … Continue reading
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #35
Our lives are not stories in the literary sense. There’s no plot or moral. There’s just, as someone said, one thing after another. We make events into stories after the fact to try to make sense of what happened.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #34
There’s always a backstory when people are mean, seemingly for no reason. It takes courage to meet anger and hatred with compassion and love. I wish I could remember this in the heat of the moment.